I think so many things can be addicted. Actually, almost all things can be addicted, because all addictions comes from the same root: a need to run and hide from pain and a weakened mind
For me, I've been addicted to several things: food, drink, sleep, Youtube, Netflix, and I used to be addicted to relationship and a person, too. I think it's just simply my nature. Someone can be prone to addiction more than others. I'm already thankful that I'm not addicted to things that are more dangerous like drugs or alcohol or cigarettes; otherwise my life will turn out even worse than it is right now.
Lately, I've been sitting and watching movies on my computer for hours, despite my will to break free from this cycle of Netflix addiction. I think I know why this happens. It's so easy. Once I start watching a movie or a series, I got drawn into another world, a world of excitement, romance, funny people, whatsoever. I forgot about my life, my suffering. I forgot about who I am. I forgot the whole world of reality for a while and that is a break from pain, isn't it? It's just like any other addictive things, it gives you quick joy, quick rush of dopamine, some moments of rest from worry and depression. I think it's just the same with all kinds of addiction.
The way out? Well, I just need to build a motivation big enough to moderate the behavior or I might have to withdraw the membership. But, I know that my weakness wouldn't allow me to do the second choice soon. I really do need escapism sometimes. So I think I'll just fight it and if I can use my most longing or wishes to back up my motivation, maybe it will work? I don't know.
Just think about the hard work of quitting this addiction and the failures in the past on this matter is already a kind of suffering in itself.
The picture is from the internet. I don't own it. It seems to represent me and a world I escape to. Thank you to the owner of the picture.