Saturday, 2 May 2015

Spiritual Foods (Are you hungry?)

Last Sunday I've received some wisdom from going to a sharing group. It was spoken by a priest.

People are hungry and thirsty in spirits. This is the cause of many problems in the world today. We are hungry and empty inside. We try to fill ourselves with many things,
wealth, fame, power, knowledge, relationship etc. We all use different ways to "fulfill" our lives and that "empty" space in the soul. But the sad thing is, nothing can truly make us full.

As I was writing this post, I am experiencing one of this spiritual hunger. I feel jealousy and envy. And that means I feel that there is something missing in me and in my life, I want to have what others have in order to feel full and satisfied, and my mind is thinking that if I have something similar to what these people on the nearby table are having, I will feel happier in my life.Well, the truth is...I guess...once I have what they have, I will still somehow feel hungry again.

But here are real spiritual food. Once you eat them, you will be filled and will not have to struggle so hard in lives in trying to fill that emptiness.

I tried it. It works. At least, on the day that I ate most of these spiritual foods, I felt calmness and peace inside. I live my life easier and happier, because I don't have to be busy with my own needs or unhappiness.

So here...the spirtual foods. Try them.

1. Being kind to others/ loving others/ doing good things for others

2. Reading spiritual books /reading the Bible / reading God's word

3. Pray / Spend time connecting to God (There are many ways to do it. There are many kinds of prayers. Find one that fits you.)

4. Receive the Communion (Jesus said, I am the Bread of Life, those who come to me shall never hungry or thristy again.) 

These four foods can help nourish the spirit and at least fulfilled most of the hunger and thirst inside me. But I believe one thing, I really do believe, that we human can never be truly "filled" until we are one with the Lord.

But from now until that day, I'll eat both physical and spiritual food so that my time on earth will be bearable and fruitful.

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