Monday, 2 April 2012

what is reality?

Why do I have to be here? Why do I have a body, a name, and where does the sense of self come from? Why does this world exist? why does the universe exist? why do I have to be this person, living this life, right now at this moment?

These are questions that seem to pop up in my head sometimes, since I was a little girl, and it still comes to my mind every now and then. Everytime it happens, everything around me seems to shine in such a strange if to say...come and discover....come and discover. Suddenly everything seems surreal for a while.

It's true, isn't it, that these are questions that cannot be answered by science.

Science can tell you that you are the result of the combination between your father's and your mother's DNA.

Science can tell you that the universe exists after the Big Bang

But that doesn't explain the "why."

If no meaning of life exist, why is human heart diligently seeking for it?

Well, I've read  hundreds of books. I've studied religions and philophies.

I have made my own assumptions on this topic.

We are souls/spirits

We exist as scattered fractions of God.

God is a word that refers to the "BEING" that.....
   exists at all time and exists at no time.
   exists at all places and exists at no place. 
   always birth... no death
   everything that ever existed in the universe comes from Him...
   is pure light and pure love
   human can't understand completely for He is far greather than us

In the essence, we have the light of God within us,
the light that's trying to free itself from the cage made of ego and flesh
So that it can return to the "Being" of origin, and end the whole story

You don't have to use the word "God" if you don't want to
You don't have to imagine God as an old man with a beard,
(but if that makes you feel good, then go ahead, nothing wrong with it either.)
You don't even have to believe in Him if you don't want to
But He exists and nothing can stop Him from existing or being who He is
and your soul will never rest until it has returned Home.
But you can take as much time as you be on the roam like this.

Religions, faiths, philosophies, spiritual advice, life lessons, experience...blah blah blah
All of these are different rivers that will lead to the same sea.
Different kinds of tools. Different kinds of paths.
Yet....same destination.

And I also believe...that the 3-dimension Earth that we live in is like a box.
You are locked in a body that can only perceive things through these five dull senses
What we see is only a tiny, winny fraction of what actually is.
Just artificial reality, just a simulation
When we are free from the body, we can see and know much more.....

This is what I believe...after living on Earth for 33 years.

Nobody has to see the world the way I see it.
I don't write this up to say that you should believe me.
Every human is unique.
So go ahead and find your own meaning, your own path.

But no matter what, we will meet there, my friends,
when all rivers finally reach the ocean.

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