Finally, I discover the truth about all these strange symptomps that I've been having: Fatique, depression, hullicinations, getting irritated easily by sound, and chronic headache. I am a Migraine sufferer. It is as simple as that.
Somhow, there is peace and serenity upon finding out the truth. It is like knowing that from now on you are going to have a new friend that will come visit you now and then. There will be unavoidable pain, but there is also a challenge in limiting the triggers. In my case, they are irregular sleep and stress. It is almost impossible for a worry-full person like me to stop being stressed. Anxiety got the best of me when I'm trying to sleep and when I'm trying to wake up. It is a big challenge indeed.
From now on, it is necessary for me to have good habit of sleeping, eating ,exercising, and relaxing. Something I should have had long time ago but I kept failing to form such habits. Now, my friend Migraine is going to help by pressuring me to build them. Stay healthy or hurt like hell, that's my choice.
Not too bad, isn't it. I just try to be positive. That's all. The fact is I already cried twice yesterday and tonight, when some people closest to me ignore totally about what kind of pain I've been going through, not even a word of sympathy. But crying didn't help anyway. It is just the way to let a bit of overflowing pain stream down like a river. Just to stay alive, not get choked up by the feeling of hurt.
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