Tuesday, 12 June 2012

one with you

As tears stream down my face
As pain beats up my chest
As my heart aches as if it's about to break
As my soul grieves and sinks to the depth

I am one with you, my sorrowful friends
I am one with those who cry
I am one with those who are lonely
I am one with the broken heart
I am one with the depressed

And now as I feel my heart is torn to pieces
As I feel the knives cut deep again and again
At least I know...
I am not the only one

Millions are crying now
Some in their own little corner of their room
hidden in shame of themselves
Some on the cold and hard street
sitting all lonely and alone
Some are crying secretly amid the crowd
crying bitterly, invisibly, in a laughing party

At least I know how it hurts, my sorrowful friends
I am one with you.
I am one with you.

If you want to express love, but you don't know how
I know how it feels
If you want to be loved, but you don't know how
I know how it feels
If you want to break out from this shell, but you don't know how
I know how you feel

At least I'm crying with you tonight, my sorrowful friends
I am one with you.
I am one with you.

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