Saturday, 23 June 2012

Eyes of the Tortoise

Once, I saw an old big tortoise in Phuket. He looked like he has lived this world for so long. He was so still and calm and somehow I felt like I was in front of an old wise man. So, I looked at the tortoise and said to him in my mind "Dear Grandpa Tortoise, I love and respect you for living this Earth for so long. I want to give you love and greeting from my heart. I want you to be very happy, and know that I respect your experience on Earth."

Suddenly, the tortoise apparently stretched and lifted it up his head, and "looked back into my eyes." He really did. He looked into my eyes for a long time, as if he receives all of those unspoken message from my heart.

At first I thought I might be crazy. It could be just a coincidence. So I experimented again. This time I tried doing the same thing with a Giant Tortoise in a zoo in Europe. He was huge! The largest one I had ever seen. He must be very, very old too. So I looked at him through the glass window and said the same thing from my heart. Amazingly, the tortoise lifted up his head, opened his eyes, and stared at me a long time, as if he understood what I was saying to him. I didn't imagine it up. His action was so clear that even the person standing next to me could see it, for she said "Look, the tortoise is looking at you!"

Maybe old tortoises really represent the Ancient Spirit of the Earth? I don't know. I only want to share this experience because it's very strange. You can try, too. But you must pick a very old one. (I tried the same thing with a small young turtle, he didn't respond.)

(By the way, the picture below isn't mine. I used it because it represents the story best. In my memory, the eyes of both tortoises looking back at me were a bit wider thant this and there was more kindness shining from them.)

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