In the world, there is darkness and light. Both reside in the heart of people and in the surrounding.
When a person thinks, speaks,does things positively and kindly, or love another person truly, light comes out of that person and spread to the person or people interacted with him or her. The light continues on to more and more people. It also spreads to the air, the plants, the animals, everything, around that person, creating the atmosphere of peace and love.
On the opposite....
When a person thinks, speaks, does things negatively or unkindly, or hate another person, darkness comes out of that person and infect the person or people interacted with him or her. The darkness drops its seeds in their heart, then later it will be passed on to more and more people like a vicious cycle. The darkness spreads to the surrounding, creating an atmosphere of hatred that affects all living beings there.
A solution....
Beside sending more light than darkness to other people, it would be best if you "destroy" the darkness that comes out of another person, by not letting it drop a seed in your heart. Stop it from spreading. Kill the darkness right there. If you can destroy more darkness, then there will be more light in the world.
For example,
If a person said mean and hurtful things about you,
don't slap that person,
don't shout back hateful words to that person
don't said bad things about that person to other people
And if you can...try not to hate that person
Instead...maybe you can feel sorry forthat person
for having so much pain inside his/her heart
For getting stuck in the cycle of darkness,
the darkness that some other people passed on to them...
And if you can, always talk and treat that person kindly.
You see...if you do this, the darkness that comes out of that person when he or she said those hurtful words to you is destroyed right away. It can't spread to more people because you keep reacting to it with the light.You don't let it grow inside your heart.
Again, this is easier said than done.
And I'm not saying that I am very successful in doing this.
Many times I'm trapped and passed on much darkness to those around me.
But I'm trying and will keep on trying,
And maybe you can try too.
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