A message that I received times and times again during Lent was that I should learn to love others, serve others, and work together peacefully with other human beings to bring Heaven on earth.
The moment that I saw Filipino people inside St.Joseph church in Hong Kong holding hand together during the "Our Father who are in Heaven" prayer, I felt an urge inside of me and some deep feeling spring from within that this is the most beautiful thing and this is what God want all of us, the people on earth, to do. We have to be one. We have to unite our hopes and dreams and prayers. I felt a call to step outside myself to really do it. But I know it is going to be hard because I have been living inside a hard shell.
Again, the message was sent after I went to the 2-day spiritual retreat in Bangkok right after my Hong Kong Trip. During personal reflection prayer with the Bible, God spoke to me about His great kindness as a Father, from the parable of the prodigal son, and about the message of Hope and how we should conduct ourselves with others from the chapter of the resurrection of Christ. (But I couldn't hear his voice at all during the comtemplation on the passage about His suffering.) The priest told us that since Christ break himself and give pieces of himself to all of us. We should do the same. We should allow ourselves (ego) to be broken so tha we can share a part of us with others. After resurrection, Jesus granted peace to his disciples, he taught, he gave them bread and fish, and he gave consolation. We should also follow his example.
Another message came after I arrived home and found a DVD of award-winning Hong Kong movie called "A Simple Life." The life of the old servant was such a wonderful example of how one's whole life is lived in love and services of others. This lady didn't want anything much for herself. She just loved and gave and gave all through her life, although the film didn't give us any flashback on what she did. But the way the others treated her in return was a proof that her life had been spent in a totally unselfish way. I really respect her spirit. I wish that I could be humble, modest, gentle, and kind just like that. Meekness is a sign of a great soul. And the world is such an ironic place, because great souls are usually found in the smallest and the least significant positions in the society. All my academics success and any talent or ability that I have is nothing compare to such an ability to break oneself and give it away to God by serving others endlessly.
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