Thursday, 3 April 2014

About Faith and Trust

Tonight, after a long conversation with my teacher late at night with my head a bit dizzy and spinning, at least I've got some thoughts that I want to remember. Maybe one day it will become useful. Actually, the whole bible discussion this evening with another person included was also about this matter: belief, faith, and trust.

It has to come out from deep within you, it can't be done according to theory or dogma. All those people who were healed by Jesus believed in Him. He told them to do something, they did it right away. The Pharisees tried to figure him out by their doctrine (Man of God musn't work on the Sabbath, for example) so they ended up being so blind and could not recognize the Son of God in front of them.

So conclusion number and belief can't really come from information, knowledge, or tradition. It comes from deep within us, from our spirit.

The more faith one have, the quicker the person can be healed. The army leader believed that his son would be healed just by a word spoken by Jesus,  and it did happen just like that! A woman believed that she would be healed by touching His robe, and she was healed right away! Jesus told the lame man to get up and walk, and he did it, and he was able to walk right at that moment. Actually, Jesus can heal without even having to touch the sick person. With a lot of faith, healing can happen instantly.

Well, I just think it's true for all prayers and petitions. How much do we dare to trust God? If we ask Him for rain tomorrow, will we take an umbrella with us? If we say we believe, then the wind and wave should not discourage us like it did to Peter.

Conclusion number two means the bird that sings before the dawn. It knows that the dawn is near although it has not seen any sunlight. Without a drop of faith, no miracles can happen.

And...we should trust God like a little child trusting his or her Dad, like two lovers trusting each other so much that they become united as one. If we trust God completely, we will have no fear and the illusion of the world will disappear, and we will see the truth and the glory of God.

As my teacher was speaking about this, I saw a picture in my mind, of a dad waiting for his child to jump down from a tree or go down a slider. The dad says, "come down here, don't worry, I will catch you." I remember such faint memory from the past. It really takes a lot of trust to jump and fall into someone's arms. But it felt very good after I went down the slider and my parent's arms were there to catch me. It wasn't so scary after all and I was ready to go another round.

Then I think of St. Faustina. There is this conversation that she had with Jesus and it really touched me. Jesus told her to jump down and surrender her whole self into His ocean of mercy. Somehow that moment seemed to determine everything. That decision to jump and let go of everything  that she had, everything that defined her.

Then I think of myself. A whole mess of work overdued and past deadlines, but God still command me to do this and that or go here and there for Him. He didn't even allow me to postpone my retreat period. I was worried about my work and I didn't understand why God seem to press everything on me all at once at such a busy time. But then tonight my teacher said, "you have to put what you just learned into practice."

And he was right....

I should trust that if God told me to stop working for a couple of days, He wouldn't ruin my work life. Everything will fall into place. I really should "trust."

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