Wednesday, 25 March 2015


A few days ago I asked this question to my teacher, and I sent it up to Heaven too.

How can I love God and love others when there is no love left inside my heart? How can I give love when I have none?

The answer came that very day. At least it is the answer for my life right now. God just simply sent me love. My heart was too gloom to receive it directly from Him, so he sent it through other people.

- I went to a confession. I didn't know the priest inside that booth. But what he said was simply very loving. There was no condemnation, no preachy words, just understanding, sympathy and cares. It was very simple things, what he said, "I understand, it must be hard for you. Just keep trying. Don't make it too hard on yourself. Take care of your health too." simple words said in a very kind tone of voice, that was just exactly what I needed to hear. It was like water pouring into the dry land.

- At a Starbuck Coffee Shop, a chubby lady who was one of the staff took my order with such politeness and sincere smile. When I forgot to take my drink, she served it to me at my table with that sweet and sincere smile again. Yes, that was a tiny thing, but it truly made my day. And I remembered it. My heart absorbed it and remembered it.

And that very day, I felt I have more love to share to others. There is more love inside me now. God gave it to me. So I did one simple thing, I smiled to a stranger and I got a freindly smile back.

Sometimes a person doesn't need any deep reflection or deep philosophical answer at all, all that he or she needs is just love, shown through simple things and simple words.

No doubt why Jesus and the Bible emphasizes "Love" very strongly. It is the most important thing. Wisdom and Hope and Faith, yes they are all important, but "LOVE" is very, very important.


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