Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Love As Our Essence

In one of my recent posts, I asked the question "what should I do if there is no love inside us to share with others?" And it seemed to me at that time, that God sent them through other people's kindness and friendliness. Love can be sent and received. One can pour and share their love into the heart of others. When one person is loved, then that person will have love to share with others as well. It can be sent around, circulated like blood flowing.  But since last night, I also realize that love is always deep within us. It has never left. It's just buried within.

Even in my dry and depressed state of mind, when I heard on the phone that my beloved is going through dark despair, suddenly my love sprang up from within, although there was much hurt from the past and much troubles in our relationship. It seems to mean nothing. All that I want to do is just love him and do anything to make him feel better.

Then memories came to my mind, that even in my depressive state, when I saw a ragged person on the street, having no home, no new clothes to wear, or not even shoes, I still pray for them anyway. Although my heart is bitter with God, after seeing someone in such painful state, I can't help praying anyway.

So, love is never really gone or dry up. It is buried deep within. It takes something to push it out. That's a good discovery. And it seems to match totally to what my beloved used to teach me and to what the book "Love Without End" (Glenda Green) is talking about.

I'm glad I learn this. I will try to remember.

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