Friday, 3 April 2015

Want to Go Home

There is a land so beautiful, where there is no hurt or pain, where there is no dark memory, where the arms of Everlasting Love will hold me forever and ever, the love that will erase every traits of fear and bitterness away from my heart.

I miss home. I want to go back. I can't rememember now what is like but I can only imagine. I remember one of my "out of body experiences" those many years ago, the voice of God told me "Do not worry. You come from a beautiful place and you will go back to that place." The voice was so full of love and peace. When I heard this voice spoken there was no doubt at all in my heart. It was the truth. For sure it is the truth, my heart recognized instantly.

If life on Earth is a journey, I'm tried already. I want to go back home. There is nothing more to see. Nothing much to enjoy or hope for.

If life on Earth is a school, I wonder how many lessons I have left. How many knives are out there waiting to stab my heart and soul. I don't want to graduate with a perfect doctorate degree, I just simply  want to pass some required subjects and then leave. This school becomes more and more of a prison to me.

If life on Earth is a form of Hell...(yeah, I really mean it, some people would understand, some people wouldn't) I hope that the debts that are left to be paid is a small amount. I hope and pray that Jesus would take most of them. (I sound so selfish, isn't it, dear Jesus)

But one thing for sure...this place...the Earth...has hope. And that hope is in Lord Jesus Christ. Life on earth can be so dark, but the Lord is the light, the hope. When it gets too painful, He will come and carry you. There is no words that can express the gratitude. He helped us pay the debts.

Anyway, I miss home, dear God. I'm sorry that I'm not like one of your perfect saints. But please accept my thankful heart.

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