Thursday, 16 February 2012

fear and media

Just walking away from a scary shark movie, I can't stand watching it till the end. There are some scenes too violent to be fun for me. Maybe I'm a sensitive type. Although I know that sharks in nature don't behave that way, some scenes that are intended to show off the cruelty make me feel so uncomfortable.

The rest of my family still enjoy the movie. And I hope that my sister will not be offended by me walking away. When I was younger, I seem to be so immune to the violence in media. Back then I enjoyed scary, shocking movies like that. But not anymore, I can't anymore. I don't know why. It does something to my mind.

I am not going to say to anyone "please don't watch such movies." Lately I learn that people are so different and that violence scenes don't seem disturb some people at all. I don't know about subconsciousness level,though. I heard from some experts and monks that violence from media will be accumulated into your subconsciousness without you knowing it. It happens that way no matter if you are children or adults. But if I say "don't watch it, it'll get into your mind" I guess they will laugh back and say "hey, I'm not a kid and I'm not a weak type like you"

I don't say that anyone watching this type of film is wrong. But I just hope that they would understand me why I don't. 

Another thing on my mind is...poor sharks. In nature, they don't behave like in those scary movies. But I don't know how many people get the wrong the idea from the media and view them as monsters. I love the sea and I study a lot about the living things under it. Sharks don't normally attack things that aren't its natural food (seals, fish,etc) or they might attack just out of curiosity. They don't chase after people's boat or jump right up to the people on the boat to eat them. I have seen two documentary films showing Great White Sharks doing no harm to the divers who went under the water to free them from the net they had been tangled with. The two divers were naturalists and they truly love this big animal. I guess the sharks can feel that love. After they were free from the net, they just left the area. They could have turned and swollowed the two human hanging in the water there but they didn't. Another documentary film shows divers feeding a flock of shark by handing fish right to their mouth. The sharks did no harm at all to the divers who are not protected by any cage. They take food from human hand like dogs taking meat from its owner. And these are wild sharks, not pet.

I am not saying that sharks are harmless or not dangerous. Yes, they are coz they eat meat. They are predators. But still...they are God's creature...not monsters. I think what more cruel than a shark biting a human is human cutting off shark's fin and threw their bodies back into the water, leaving them to die a slow painful death.

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