Sunday, 6 July 2014

A Letter from A Sheep to The Shepherd

Dear Shepherd,

First of all, I'm still grateful that you went all  the way to pick me up when I was lost that day. However, lately I have been doubting your promise that you will always keep me safe from the wolves and you will always feed me. The path that you have led me these past few weeks seem very dry and very scary, and I can't see your hand at all.

So, you may think that I am doing a very stupid thing, but I will do it anyway. I am now going toward the edge of a fence, near where the wolves are. I want to see if you will come and pick me up again. I want to know that your love and your promises are real. So I am not going to move anywhere until you come. I will wait here. And if you won't come, I will go off the fence and let the wolves kill me.

Dear Shepherd, I am doing all of this because I want to hear one you say one more time that you love me. I want to know that if I am lost again will you really find me.  I promise that if you come for me, next time, I will try to have more patience to walk on dry mountains when you lead me. I will try to join the other sheep, too, although I am not used to living in a flock at all. I've been living alone for so long.

So I will wait here...please come to find me, save me, and feed me....and tell me one more time that you love me.

From a silly, spoiled, and stubborn sheep in your flock

P.S. Please tell my teacher that I'm still angry at him.

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