Monday, 30 December 2024

Types of Nightmare

  I usually dream so much at night, and unfortunately, a lot of them are bad dreams. It comes to me so often in my adulthood, not so much in my childhood and teenage years. There are many types of bad dreams. I am used to most of them now, but some types still bother me quite a lot. 

1. Getting stuck in a terrible place or being chased after by killers or demons - This is the kind of nightmare where you are consumed by fear. You've got to run and run. Got to find the way to escape. The more realistic it feels, the more painful it gets. This kind of dream will disappear  or  become less intense as soon as I prayed to God, Jesus or Mary, in my dream. But in those times when I forgot to think of God, the nightmare will last long. Usually, when I wake up and realize it was just a dream, it would be a relief. However, I would still feel tired. Lately, I've been viewing it as a kind of purgatorial torture. A sort of punishment....a result of bad karma...attack of the devil...when I wake up I would say to myself that, well, isn't it good that it was just a dream? Maybe you've done something to deserve more but God only allows you to have the punishment in dream, so you should be thankful.

2. Bad situation dream - This is similar to the above dream but it is closer to daily life situation. I am not in the middle of nowhere, I am in my daily life and something bad happens, like losing an important thing, losing someone important to me, being late, embarrassing myself in some kinds of situation, getting lost, being late, encountering cockroaches...and many more. I would feel relieved immediately as soon as I wake up. I would be glad that it was only a dream. However, type 1 and type 2 dreams are very tiring and if you get them continuously in a row, it can be depressing and frustrating. 

3. Anger dream -  I would feel so mad, so enraged, so angry at someone in my dream. The level of my anger surpassed of mine in the real world. Of course, it is very tiring, stressful. Even more, when I wake up, my heart would still be beating fast and I would feel sad and worried to know that such anger exists in the dept of me. I think it is a release of some anger

4. Symbolic dream -  That's the problem one. I am trying to find a way to solve this because this dream create fear of the future. The dream contains some vivid symbols that refer to the future and it has been accurate before. A symbol that points to reputation damage, a symbol that points to breaking up or losing partner, a symbol of losing career or having difficult times in life. Those symbols have appeared before and not just one time, and they have just the same meaning of universal dream symbol, ones you can find in some traditional dream dictionary. My dad can even tell what these symbols mean. So, when I wake up from such dreams, I will be full of worries and anxiety and fear. I will be crying. I will be asking God for mercy, asking God to erase or relieve the future that these dreams indicate. Actually, I know that some of these dream might come the Devil because it knows that I'm afraid of these symbols. It might not mean anything but just appear to create a lot of fear in me. used to be accurate in predicting obstacles or bad events in the future and I'm still afraid of them anyway. I think God is the only one who can free me from the meaning of such dreams or at least reduce the intensity or painfulness of it. If I can find another way to free myself completely from the fear of such dream, it will be much better though.  (Some of them even came as a flash of picture even when I was just napping in front of the computer, but most of the time in this case is the devil, I think).

5. Undesired life event or my own action - This also gives me the same kind of problem. Imagine you are determined not to do something or will never ever do something in this life, you will hate yourself so much if you do it or if your life turn out that way, then you dream that you do exactly what you said you won't do. Imagine you are afraid of ending up with a person or will never want to live with, or end up living a kind of pathetic life you've seen some people live, then it happens in your dream. I think it's like worst fear come true in the illusion world and you have to be in that illusion world. It is already a pain in itself, while you are dreaming it, and when you wake up it also gives you fear of the future. I always asked myself why did I do that in my dream, I would never ever do that in my life, never! Then I start to be angry at myself or become fearful. This type is problematic for me. It is a real torment.

6. The lonely dream - This is similar to the anger dream, except that the extreme emotion is loneliness. It is very, very painful dream. I feel extremely lonely, rejected or abandoned in this kind of dream. It is a level much deeper than what I feel in reality. Waking up from this dream might relieve most of the pain but the memory and sadness will retain for a while and give me a bad morning.

Sometimes I had bad dreams but I forgot when I woke up. Sometimes the pain stay but you don't know where it comes from. Well, but at least I can just quickly ignore it and go on with my life. In the past, when I was younger, I always like to remember all dreams. But now, forgetting is better than remembering, especially in case of nightmare. 

Lastly, I've noticed the worst effect of nightmare upon waking up. The Devil is waiting for that weak state of mind between being asleep and being awake and push the negative thoughts and anger right in my head, then there will be things that stimulate my anger, such as the sound of a neighbor chasing away my pigeons, the sound of my dad or my mom being upset while talking to me, or the loud sound from the radio from the next door house. In such case, I would wake up with such extreme anger and I will explode those anger to everyone that create such sound like a crazy person. I am pretty sure that it is the work of the Devil because it happens at such moments after nightmare. 

So nice to get some pain off my chest and write. 

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