Thinking back to the old time when I was a teacher for many different levels of students, I remember that I learn one thing about the kids who are weak in their study: Never scold or belittle them or coerce them harshly. Children and teens have feelings. Not doing well in school is already hard enough for them. Scolding them or calling them 'stupid', 'lazy', 'bad kids' never help but will make them feel worthless. Some kids turn that feeling of worthlessness into stubborness and rebellion to protect themselves. Whatever the teachers told them to do, they will exactly the opposite. Most teachers don't like this kind of students at all. When I was a teacher, I didn't mind weak students who are obedient and submissive, but when it comes to those rebellous ones, I felt like I want to stay away and not teaching them at all.
The reason that makes me think of that is....I am becoming one of those students, hehe!
I know that the path of self-improvement is rough and difficult, and I have so many weaknesses, so many flaws. Recently I was around some saintly adults, who out of their good will, pointed out so many of my flaws (which I already know that I have). Sometimes I didn't respond to their teaching because bad habits took time to change and I can't improve in a day, a week, or a month. Sometimes I did it out of a rebellious nature within me because I don't like anyone scrutinizing me or telling me to do things. They seem very disatisfied and they tried to 'indirectly' scold me, tried to make me ashame of myself. When I tried to voice my opinion, they called me boastful, proud, arrogant whatsover. How I want to tell them that you are dealing with a natural-born "Leo" and those things are innated so deeply within me that and telling me to change that totally is like trying to make me become someone else, not myself. I know I have so many flaws, but don't try to deal with my pride. Let God alone deal with me on that worst habit of mine because the more you try, the more you gonna get the opposite. I will even become more arrogant, more stubborn to change!
Sometimes, I want to tell them, with tears in my eyes, can you just 'love me', please? Can you not try to change me into this and that, but just love me and be kind? Do you know how harsh I already scold myself when I'm alone with God? I know I'm not very generous in giving and often overlook the opportunities to be kind to other people in little things. I know that I'm more into theory than practice, which is not very good. I know that sometimes I do talk behind people's back, especially when I'm stressed out. But I am aware of my flaws and mistakes, I am trying to improve myself, so could you please stop criticizing and just bear with me?
I have lived my life for more than thirty years and I know that if they continue to do that with me, I will run away from their 'school.' I will be an outlaw. I become a Christian because God shows me that He loves me for who I am. He patiently and lovingly correct me. (Well sometimes he rebuked or disciplined but He is God, so he has the right to do that, you see. I might feel angry a while but in the end I know that God has all the right to do so. And when I am very sad and withdrawn, He always found the way to bring the smile back to my face and made me fall in love with Him again.) But lately some of His people, (I said this with respect, I know they are very, very good people) make me feel as if I am not good enough or I am not as good as them.
I admitted that there are moments, in my low spirit, when I felt like "ok, you are all saints. I am sinner. I don't belong in your group because I'm not good enough. Let you saints live your lives and let me live mine. The door is over there. Just one more of those acts from you and I will walk out and will never return. Call me a doomed, a damned, whatsover. I don't care one bit. There are sinners out there in society that have more heart than you saints. I will be with them. I prefer to be with dirty funny dogs rather cold-hearted beautiful swans."
Yeah...that was me talking, on the day that I felt very low inside.
The reason that I am writing all this is because I am trying to let all those resentment, pain, and anger pour out. Let myself bleed one last time so that I can be healed. I want to forgive them. I want to forgive myself.
Now, I am going to picture it another way. I am going to stand in their shoes. I think back to the time that I was a teacher, the kind of students hardest for me to deal with were the ones who are intelligent and proud. The ones who ignore the lessons because they are too easy for them. The only thing I can do is to give them lessons more difficult than others in order to make them feel that there are still more things for them to learn. Many times these students made me very nervous because I know that they are bright and they can easily see when I make mistakes. Some of them might feel resentful and don't understand why I have to give them more difficult tasks, making them make mistakes over and over again. Well, the true reason I want to tell them was...because you are capable, dude! If I give you anything easier than this, you're gonna be bored and lose all the interest in class.
You know, sometimes I really forgot to think, that some of these students, though smart and arrogant they may seem, can have very low confidence in themselves and might have fear of mistakes of failures. Trying to push them with too challenging work can be viewed as you trying to shame them in front of others or trying to trick them to make mistakes.
Have I ever seem to be that kind of students in their eyes? Is something in me or my personality or my way of doing things make these teachers feel that they should give me very difficult tasks so that I can still continue to learn? Well, thank you then. But please also show more love for me too. Teachers usually show love and encouragement to those students who are weak but obedient and submissive, but they forgot that stubborn or proud students need love too. Maybe when you give them those difficult tasks, you can give a hug or so, and let them know that "I believe you can do it. I let you do this because I love you." That would help, I think. And I might be less stubborn or less resistant to learning.
But anyway, on my part, I will have to do what God has told me to in my heart.
Just focus on loving them as much as and stop thinking about how they look at you or treat you.
I also asked God "what if they continue to scrutinize me, looking down upon me, making me feel ashamed of myself instead of feeling encouraged to do good, what if they don't stop? What should I do?"
I heard God's little voice said "Love them still."
So I pouted, "Oh, yeah...I know it's my job to love my enemy, but...."
Then God said, "I told you to love them, but I didn't say that you can't walk away from them. If a town doesn't welcome you, just shake off your dust and leave, remember? But what you must do is you must not hate them.You must love them. If you decide to walk away, then walk away in peace."
I said, "I can? Really?"
"Of course" God winks his eyes. "You are free to be with the people who build you up and let your inner light shine. If you are with those who block you from being who you truly are, then you have the right to move away. I have led you this place, yes, but I didn't tell you that you have to be there forever. Actually, you already heard what I asked of you before you becoming one of their members. Anyway, before you decide, make sure that you have look at them with an open heart and non-prejudice eyes. Make sure that you have loved them and have learned from them. They are your friends. They love you. Their ways maybe different than yours but they are My people and they love me. So my command to you now is love them, forgive them when they are being unloving or when they judge you wrongly, respect them for being who they are, apologze when you do anything that offend them and open up to what they are trying to teach you as much as you can. Just remember my command to you on the first day that you came to this place. Stick to it."
My heart is at peace now. I remember that command God has given me on the first day that I arrived at the church. It rang so deep and true in my heart.
There are some new things that I want you to learn from these people. But there also some truths that I want you to hold on tight. Never change, never falter, no matter what they tell you. Learn only the truths but ignore the myths and stories that complicate the simple truth about Me. Always stay a child, and always love me with you child-like heart. Yet, don't close off your heart from learning new things from them. It is also important for you. You ask me, should I be a catholic or stay a Christian. My answer to you is 'both.' Listen to my voice, although there might be people who tell you that you must do this or be that. But you just listen to my voice, and be who I want you to be.