Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Eternal Love

Recently,there was a couple of times when I feel very down and low, and this song "It is well with my soul" appeared in my mind, almost like a gentle balm from God. Whenever I think of this verse, my heart sighs with a relief and I could feel the raindrops of hope pouring down on me. Whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say, it is well, it is well with my soul

 It reminds me of why I have become Christian in the first place, reminds me of the most important thing that we all have to keep in mind. God loves us so much. Jesus has already died on the cross for our sin. He knows we are sinners, we are weak, dirty, stupid, whatever. But God is the purest kind of love and nothing will be able to snatch the love of God through Christ Jesus away from us. Jesus himself said, "Whoever comes to me, I will never drive away". The Bible also says 'If the Son shall set you free, then you are free indeed." We may stumble on our path so many times. We may become selfish and sinful many times, but once we repent, feel sorry, and want to get up and be good, this eternal heart of love will embrace us back into the light.

When I am in my deepest despair and feel as if I have no worth and life has no more hope for me, when I feel that no matter what I could never be a better person and there is no use trying, and that I should just lie down here and die, the only thing that keep me alive is the belief that "God still loves me" even in my worst condition, even when I no longer want to try to be loving, even when I disappoint Him so much that I despise myself.

At that moment, I would cry my heart out and just lie there, resting in His love. Then, I would start to drag my body to do things, anything, tiny things. I would keep that little flame of hope alive and just continue with my life although I see no way out. And sooner or later, God would heal me and give me back my peace, joy, and hope for life. So many times, it has been this way. And lately, when this song came into my mind when I was in despair, I felt so much loved, so assured, that no matter what, He is going to love me still and my soul is safe in His hand, I can just keep on going, keep on trying. It doesn't matter how many times I would fail or make mistakes, I can always get back up again. And in the end of my life, my soul will fly back to His eternal love and nothing can hurt me no more.

There is this book called "Love Without End." A lady artist named Glenda Green recorded what she learned from Jesus when He came to her in person for a period of time. What is written in this book is so reassuring, particularly when it talks about who we are. When Glenda asked that question to Jesus, He answered "You are Love." Jesus told her that the essence of the soul of every human is love. Deep down inside us, there is a sacred heart where our soul is connected to God. We may or may not be aware of it, but that is still the truth and  nothing can destroy the truth. In the end, every soul will finally unite with Him no matter how long it will take. Therefore, every person is indeed the child of God and nothing can take that right away from him. Although he is the worst kind of sinner, he's still God's child. He just has to go through the spritual journey, which may include pain and sufferings, in order to discover the truth about himself.  Jesus also told Glenda that every human's job on Earth is "to be the love that you are." There will be so many illusions to go through and realize, but in the end, we must be aware of who we are, we must know the core of our true being.

This resonates a teaching in Buddhism as well. "The Original Soul" (จิตแท้ จิตดั้งเดิม) of every human is full of light, wisdom, and love. There is no darkness in it at all. But the probem is, we are struggling with our outer self, with our ego self, and we are not yet become aware of our "original soul." But no matter what, it's always there.

Jesus also said to Glenda that we do not need to fear darkness, because darkness is just the absence of light. Darkness and evil don't have the power of its own. Only let the light shine in and it can't exist. God allows darkness to exist because He will use it for the spiritual growth of human kind. Even "evil" is under God's hand so we should not lived our life in fear of evil. Do not believe that it has any power over our soul. Don't believe any myth that creates fear because fear feeds darkness while love chase away darkness.

 We should remind ourselves that all of us always have 'the light within', an eternal light of Love that comes from God himself. This is why God keeps reassuring me that "it is well with my soul."

click here to listen to this uplifting song

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