Thursday, 13 December 2012

A New Path

This post is written out of my own understanding and the things that happened to me. I am still doing more experiment on the find out how much it works. So the information below the dotted line is not  a complete certainty from me. Sorry, I forgot to ask God for the permission before I wrote it down, now I learn my lesson. But He encourages me to experiment the path, though. It's just that I shouldn't be sharing it on the blog so quickly.

        I have to thank many people who gave me of words of wisdom and inspirations which helped me remember a situation that happened during the big flood in Bangkok last year. In that time, someone gave me a book. That book led me to experiment something....a new path...a new way to look at all things. All that I have to focus on is being "Love" (not doing, but "being"). I tried that experiment and everything fell into the right place. I was able to help my parents on the morning when the flood came so close to our house. Everything flew so smoothly and I had not fear nor worry inside me. Amazing things happen just because I focus on "being love." The Holy Spirit seems to be with me when I turn myself toward that direction.

Afterward, I was thinking about discussing this book with others but then I had some doubts. I started to think that the book doesn't belong to the traditional church and it might not be so reliable. I kept postponing the decision to talk about it for like a year. Until one day, I asked Jesus "Is it really you talking in this book? I really need to know. Please let me know." Then the situation seemed to point me toward someone, so I let him read part of the book. And he told me that there was no doubt that it is the words of God. And a week later, he also helped me focus on something that seem to point me toward this direction. In the same week, the Word of God that I received from the priest also point toward the same thing. Suddenly, I understand now that God had answered my prayer. It is truly Jesus speaking in this book. I should no longer doubt it, and the new path I discovered during the flood is something I should continue on walking.

It is not an easy path, just like every other paths toward the Light, but I feel like I'm in love with it already. I know that I'll be making thousands of mistakes and will fail and fail over, but I'll try anyway. The path seems to free me from the complexity of rules, laws, and the trap of fear. It connects me to the whole world, not just one particular religion. There is true freedom hidden in "the truth" spoken in this book and I'm so glad that Jesus has given this path to us. I don't have to hate or fear or judge anything, but just accept it and love it  and it will not harm me. "Being love" seems to automatically stop a person from sinning away because all sins are unloving, to others or to oneself. I don't have to focus too much on the sin, just focus on the love. In this book, Jesus says that Love Commands All Things, be it people, animal, living things, inanimated objects, natural disaster, etc. And I tried that during the flood last year, it was so true! Even a copy machine or a metal cap of a balm responds to love.

Different paths are for different people. I remember a word of wisdom that my godmother and another wise person at the church told me: you can't walk on the path of another, you have to find your own, God has created people to be different organs of one big body. We will be cooperating but we can't play the roles that are not made for us.

Here is the book I'm talking about...written many years ago...full of Jesus' teachings for the New World.

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