- It can happen so suddenly. Maybe right after a period of time when your spirit has been peaceful and filled with joy. A big contradiction.
- It can be transferred between persons or spread like communicable diseases
-It makes you feel weird inside yourself, as if there is a darkness residing in it.
-It makes you unable to think clearly as if there is a fog in your head blogging you from seeing things the way they are.
-It makes you do things without awareness, as if part of your subconsciousness manipulates you to do things that will result in troubles for yourself or others.
-It can suddenly put evil and ugly thoughts right inside your head, no matter where you are. I got that ugly thought right in the middle of church, just as I was standing in a row to receive the Eucharist. How horrified I felt, can you imagine?
-It can put thoughts inside your head while you are asleep or half asleep, a thought that slipped in so quickly as if it popped up out of nowhere. You are being forced to be aware of that thought. Sometimes God put thoughts in your head this way, too, but I learn now that the big difference is that thoughts from evil makes you wake up and worried and afraid and anxious and scared, or...confused, at least. But if the thought is from God, when you wake up it brings peace and understanding and serenity and joy.
-In my case, I can feel myself having strange effect on other people, it is like inside my body there is a wave that attract some people in a bad way or scare away some sensitive people as if they can feel that devil inside me.
-It can make you physically sick or hurt. A sickness or pain that happened to the body suddenly without a cause and can vanish immediately just by simple prayer.
-Horrible series of non-stop nightmares...particularly it will make you be the person who do bad things in the dream so that you will wake up and feel bad about yourself.
Now....the good parts. I also learn something important about what to do when these things happen from a recent experience. Of course, prayer is always necessary but also....
-Positive thoughts can help clear away this dark power over you. Keep hoping, keep believing, keep thinking that no matter what this darkness cannot win over you because you belong to the light. If I let fear have influence over me when I am under oppression, my condition gets worse and worse, but when I let hope and faith shine more brightly. The darkness seems to go away.
-See God in everything and everyone. See beauty in everything and everyone. Focus on the good of others or the good of an event, althought the event may seem terrible. Stop judging others but do everything with a clear and good intention.
-Admit your own false or your own mistakes in front of God. Don't be to prideful, because that's the channel that the devils can grab you tightly.
-Ask for help from Mother Mary, Jesus, or Archangel Michael when evil spirits disturb the body directly.
-Avoid all sources of evil in media (songs, TV, movies, etc.)
-Don't hate the demons. Love them anyway.
-Holy water..to drink or pour over your head. But you must do it with belief. (now I'm gonna go get one.)
-Fasting. (strange but true, it works)
- If none works, consult an exorcist priest.
I don't know if this thing has left me yet, but I will not give up this time. I will try my best to fight and keep on believing that everything that happened is meant for the good. One day I will understand why God allows such bad experience to happen. I will keep on trusting and obeying His voice, as much as a poor soul like me can. I know that if He wants to free me from it, He can do with just a blink of an eye. But if He doesn't, then He has a good reason for it.
At least I should be grateful that it is an oppression, not a possession.
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