Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Evil: both real and illusion?

Some people say that evil is real in this world, and we must learn to stay away from it and make sure that we are always on the right side. Some people say darkness does not come to exist on its own, it is just the absence of light, that's why evil cannot defeat goodness because once the light shine onto the darkness, the darkness disappear right away. My teacher says the best thing is that we should stay above the matter of good and evil. That means we should not judge or condemn.Well, I do agree, but there is a question.

I think, since we haven't yet reached the state of spirit where we can actually see "beyond" good and evil, and we have to live in this world as a human being, this world where cruelty and horrifying acts committed by people are real, I think that I need to find a practical way to live and to stay safe.

So far, I believe that I should follow these:
1. Don't get yourself involved in any kinds of sinful acts.
2. Don't judge or condemn people who do bad things, be loving and forgiving to all for that is a golden command of  the Lord. However, don't join them or support them if their action brings forward darkness, instead of light.

What about the matter on the satan, demon, and black magic? Should I learn to discern these or should I just simply using the "loving, non-judgmental" attitude?

Now, this is a serious matter that I've been praying for the guidance since the event of the so-assumed "black-magic" medal of my father has been raised to consideration lately.

Here is the story:
1. Many years ago, my father got this "medal" with symbol that represents united religion peace (sounds good and unharmful, isn't it?). He got it when go praying in a special ceremony where Buddhists and other religions joined together.

2. I didn't know and didn't see this medal before, but one night I had this bad dream that there is a small round object in my house and it seems to be powerful, scary and powerful. And during those days, I felt strange fatique inside my body so often when I'm in the house. So I asked if anyone brought anything from outside into our house. And my father showed me the medal.

3. My father told me that at first the medal seemed to bring him a big luck on his job, but when he started carrying it around, his car got into many accidents, so he stopped carrying it and put it near the Buddhist altar in his prayer room. So the medal was still inside my house and I didn't know because I hadn't seen it anymore for years. (didn't know that it was there at the altar)

4. Lately, just a few weeks ago, I learned that the symbol on the medal is similar to a symbol of the so-called "United Religion" Movement, which the book states that it could be something that relate to a larger evil organisation, something we should stay away from.

5. The symbol on the medal seems to be similar to the symbol on the cover of another book, an evil book, I have to say. At first I thought it was just another book about extra-terresterials encountering, but then inside the content it contains statement against the cross, telling people that they don't have to go to church, and that pleasure of the flesh is absolutely harmless. (free sex is on our planet, they say). I got rid of that book right away.

Now, once I started to raise this matter up and talked to the people at my church, I fell into the state of demon oppression right away. And here are the advices and wisdom from the people who helped me.

-The priest that I respect said that I shouldn't bring it anywhere for anyone to consider, but just being non-judemental and forgiving toward it.

-Another spiritual teacher also adviced similar thing "you haven't reached the spiritual state that you can discern this kind of things, just ignore it and nothing will harm you, don't take this matter to your heart."

-My godmother also said, "just pray for your father that God will let him know by himself about what to do with this medal, don't say anything that causes arguments."

-The priest who I went to confession the last time told me that "if you are not sure or you don't know, just say that you don't know, don't state the name of organization, it can put you into danger."

The amazing thing was that once I used the "non-judgemental" attitude, I seemed to be lifted from the demon oppression state right away. This is real. And it happened twice, so one thing that I learned was that I must keep the golden command of the Lord about being loving and forgiving at all times. Once I get into a state of loving and non-judging attitute, the medal or the demon or whatsover...don't have any power over me at all. In other words, once the fear in my heart is lifted, the power of darkness is also lifted.

However, my teacher also said that it is important also to be able to discern, otherwise I might be fooled with the mass for the evil power is strong in the present world.

So now, there occurs a question. If I see no-evil, and look at everything as beauty, seeing God in everything in the universe, does that mean I should be blind that evil exist? Does that mean that evil is just illusion and is actually harmless?

After I prayed to God for the wisdom on this, the next day I heard the news that a member of Satanism in my country just committed a murder.

So...from this...I must say that evil is real, right?
But why does it has no power over me when I was being non-judemental?
What is the best way to view this matter?

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