Monday, 27 January 2014

The sorrow of one who does not take side

Many, many years ago. I had this dream. And I still remember it ever since for it was so unlike any other dreams.

In front of me, there is a young lady standing with her back facing me. She has curly hair, breaded, and her outfit consits of a blouse ,a long skirt, and an apron. In my dream I know her name, it's in Western language, and I have a name  in Western language too. In my dream I recognize this woman as a close friend. She is working on something on the counter in front of her. She knows that I am standing behind her but she won't turn around. She won't talk to me because I don't take side in politics. I am very sad. I can feel the cold silence.

Some years after I had this dream. I found out that this kind of dress is for women working in factory and this kind of counter can be found in German factories during World War II.

It is a sad thing, that still happens to me now, even in my present life. I am not one who choose to be extreme in political view. My country is broken apart with hatred at the moment. Many people take side politically and throw blames and hateful words, or even violence at each other. I have my own view and standpoint but I just can't take side extremely like that. And now, some of my friends desert me because of that...and I am so sad. But I will hold on firmly to what I believe is right. I will not hate. I will not hate...and I will try my best to keep this sadness as sadness... not turn it into bitterness and anger.

I'm glad that that at least...they used to be part of my life. If they prefer to walk away from me now, then so friends. Blessed be the road in front of you and I will keep you in my good memory.

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