Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Some scenes from "Melancholia" the movie

Watching this movie makes me feel less alone in my pain. As if someone does understand and share that pain. I went to a birthday lunch in a restaurant. And I felt just like this depressed girl in the beginning of the movie who goes through her wedding bouquet trying to give that happy smile to everyone, while down deep inside she feels none. There is this invisible film that blocks her from the rest of the world and trying to be normal takes so much, so much effort that it practically drains out her energy. I understand how that feels exactly. She likes to sleep here and there and don't want to get up to even take a shower, just like me. She wants the world to come to an end very soon. There is a kind of suffering that she goes through everyday and no one can share or understand. But when I watched the film, I felt like...oh at least the person who makes this film know what it feels like. Got to give a thank to Lars Von Trier. 

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