Monday, 24 September 2012

Little Things to Be Thankful

When life reaches its down time, I find that it is necessary to keep looking for small things to be thankful for, otherwise it would be too hard to continue living.

My days are still gray...and today it was one of the worst....yet there are little moments that I can still recall with a bit of happiness and gratefulness.

- One evening, I thought that I lost my money (payment I just got from teaching) because I keep looking but I couldn't find it. Then I found that it rest safely in a deeper part of my handbag and that whole day, althought filled with many bad lucks, suddenly doesn't seem all too bad. Yes, it was a bad day, but it wasn't too bad, you see. Something worse could have happened but it didn't.This is surely something to be thankful for.

- I left my teaching bag at a food place and wasn't even aware of it. I walked to the bus stop, sit there a while, and how fortunate that the bus hadn't arrived, because the food seller rushed to me with my bag, saying 'you forgot this, right?' I was so thankful.

- I cried myself to sleep this morning, and when I managed to say a little pray in my heart, I felt a gentle breeze blewing from the window, the curtain flapped a little bit and the ray of sunshine touched my face. That was already tender enough for my achingl heart. I was thankful for it.

- I still got some anti-depressant pills to help out, at least on the physical part of my depression. I took one this evening. And it seemed to help. That was a good thing too.

-My dog was so loving to me today. I was stuck in bed for half a day, and when I got up and went downstairs, she greeted me so joyfully, giving me all her love. Her tail was wagging, her eyes were shining, and she hugged me. At least, on the moment that life feel so down and I feel so alone...this beautiful creature of God still loves me just the same. My dog is my true friend, and a friend is always precious.

- I was able to save most of my new laundry from the rain today. Fortunately I took them down from the hanging lines before I left home, otherwise it would be ruined by rain again.

- One of my friends called to consult me about his problem, the only moment that I felt useful today. And another person, a kind lady from the church, tried to encourage me to keep moving on and fight my own weakness, although her words couldn't reach the dept of my despair this time, I was thankful for her kindness, for trying to help.

- Last but not least, I was able to send a heartfelt pray and my love to everyone on Earth who is suffering from depression, feeling worthless, and don't want to continue living. I felt a tie of understanding connect me to them and I could pray for them from the bottom of my heart.

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