The following writing is just my own opinion. It might be right or it might be wrong, I don't know. I just want to share an opinion, a point of view, that's all.
I have read that life of human being consists of earthly things and spiritual things in half. Human soul is longing to have the colorful adventurous experience of the Earth, which it cannot find up in Heaven, at the same time it also seeks to rest still in the heart of eternity, its true Home. Therefore, the best way to live on Earth should be the balance of both. One cannot runaway from earthly experience which contain some truths that the soul has to learn right here on the Earth plane. At the same time, the soul should not forget its spiritual nature,as well as the peace and quietness of eternal things and the bliss of Heaven, for it is the soul's true Home.
I have noticed that some people are very fond of the physical world and its variety of wonders ,while some people are fond of the mystery of the spiritual world and life on "the other side." Some seek to spend their lives relating to all living beings, blending themselves peacefully with the world, the people, the animals, the plants, and the environment, finding pleasure in doing things lovingly for others by using their physical body and kindness of their heart, while some other people seek to live in solitude, praying days and nights, digging deeper and deeper into one's own soul to discover the path toward God, and learning more about the supernatural and the mystical world.
I don't think we should judge that one thing must be better than the other. Both are necessary and are important in their own way. Remember, God gives us two commands: love thy God and love thy neighbors.To me, the word thy neighbors do not mean only human, but every living being on Earth. We should somehow seek to live peacefull and lovingly with everything and everyone, stay in service for all, and find our place among the Earth citizen and find our bond with all lives. At the same time, we must not neglect our spiritual goal and the importance of being still and quiet, looking within, seeking the inner pathway that we can discover the bond that we have with our Eternal Father. If we forget this, then we forget the whole purpose of life as well.
It reminds me of my godmother and her sister. I adore both of them. My godmother has so much wisdom of the inner life and she can explain to me a lot about spiritual quest: how to persevere in times of trials and sorrow, how to be still and surrender to God's will, how to stay quiet and just let the answer occur inside the mind. I believe that my godmother's spirit is like gold that has been purified by fire. But her sister doesn't like to talk about all these deep stuff, she prefers talking about health, food, and social duties, but her kind and loving heart is already a representative of God's love toward all. She was the person who gives me my first rosary. She just love to give and give, and always know what to give. She is joyful and she likes to view things with a bit of humor. She doesn't teach me spiritual things but she always know how to take me to where I can get those spiritual knowledge. I just adore her kind heart and I believe that although her calling is different from my godmother, both of them are equally loved by God.
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