Monday, 10 September 2012

single women are not the same

 Everytime when people know that I am single, they always assume that I must be looking for a boyfriend or to catch a husband. It's such a pain to me that many people have judged me that way. Some people, out of their good heart, expect that my depression coming out from being single and suggest that I should be in love! Oh, I just don't know what to say. No no no! That matter for me is rest within God's hand and I have already asked him that either He will send me one who is truly going to bring a peace of mind and help me serve the Lord and fulfill my destiny on Earth, or He would give me none and I would try to be a bride of Christ instead. I will not go back to my ex-boyfriend. I will not "seek" for anyone new. I even asked the Lord that if He had planned specific someone for me, that person will come to me in such a way that I don't have to seek, or look, or try, or do anything. It would be a gift. I must not seek and I will not seek. No more.

And I also asked the Lord, that if it would be best for my life to stay single, that I will. No matter what they say. Life is just a period of time and if God has decided for me that way, then I trust his decision for it's always the best. Actually, if I know how to feel God's love more deeper, I would be so assured that I need no one else.

I guess people have made that assumption about me seeking a guy because a lot of single women my age are that way. They just try to be nice, to be helpful, I guess.  Well, if they talk to me like this many many years ago, they might make the right assumption. There were my younger years when I sort of look out for that special someone. But not the me right now. I don't think that way anymore. Although the stab of loneliness can still be felt some time when I see people couples, weddings, or family. But that stapbs of pain only happen when my spirit is low. My subconsciousness might be weak at times but at least in my consciousness I do know that I will no more trying to "look for love."

The painful thing that results from people assuming all single women to be the same is that they act toward single women my age as if they are "husband stealers" or "bitches" that they have to avoid or protect their loved ones from. I was in such a situation before, every now and then, and I know how painful it can feel. Although people don't act that way directly, they act so indirectly.

Greetings from me to all independent single women in the world who share the same thoughts with me and have to go through the same kind of judgement from society. I know that you can stand on your own feet although some people may not believe so.
My consolation to you in your agony.

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