Thursday, 9 August 2012

It's in the eyes

Just something to share...a recent thought

I look back from an event not long ago, I saw something evil in the eyes of someone.
On some other days, I used to see something so loving and kind from the eyes of this same person.

In another recent event, I saw something so innocent and lovely in the eyes of another person. I used to see evil and malicous intention from this person's eyes some weeks ago.

So I come to think, maybe we human got a divine spirit living in us sometimes, but there are also some other times that evil spirits have their chance to control us as well. I guess my eyes must reflect the same thing. One day it may reflects kindness and love and people may feel pleasant when in contact with me. On another day I may have eyes like the devil, so terrible that people want to turn away. Same thing, I guess.

To consider this matter in a reverse way, it is also in the eyes of the beholder. If I look at another person with prejudice and negative thought,  I might feel that the person has a bad intention toward me, when in fact that person maybe innocent or even has benevolent intention for me. In the same way, I may not have any bad intention, but if a person looks at me with judgement and negative thoughts, he or she might see that I am having that evil look or accused me of haing ulterior motives in my action.

Hmm...just a thought. The conclusion is..."thou shall not judge"
I should often remind myself of that.

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