Saturday, 25 August 2012

The Future of Our World?

I heard so often that the world is going to face a tremendous change, there will be the most terrible disasters the Earth has ever known, most people will die, and it will be like a whole new beginning, a new era of humanity where souls and spirits matter more than physical objects and materials.

Well, it becomes quite something to think about. You see, you can choose to live your life one way if the road ahead is going to be just as ordinary. If life will continue the way it has been for ages, you can have a family and get settled or choose to do the little things that you love for a living. But...what if what waits ahead of you in a few years is not ordinary. What if the cities around you are going to disappear, together with the whole of current human economic systems and lifestyle?

The problem one knows when it will happen. In your lifetime? Or in future generation? I bet during Hitler times, many believed that he is the Beast and the world was coming to an end. But it turned out that, yes, he was very evil but the world still didn't end. So the problem is that "Big Change" is coming up very soon or still quite a long way ahead? People talk about it in different ways. Prophecies are different too.

If you believe in Jesus and the Bible, then you know a few things:

First, no one knows the time for sure, not even the angels in Heaven, so don't let anyone fool you with false prophecies.

Second, don't be careless with your life because that particular day can come when people are still living their daily life so normally.

Third, you can look at the signs of times. See, now there are so many earthquakes and other natural disasters more severely than any other ages, and the morality of human as a whole seem to be going downhill.

If you are a Buddhist, then you might heard that such a Terrible Day can be postponed if human improve themselves well enough. If the whole spirit of humanity is going up and there is no need for a strong shaking to open up people's eyes to be aware of what life actually is.

Well, I don't know what to believe. But one thing I know, I shouldn't be careless. Another thing I know that...doing your best in everyday of your life is very important.

But...I really don't know when it comes to the path to walk. Should I still continue to live a normal worldly human life or just retreat from it and focus more on the spiritual development? I guess I will have to do both for now.

Do I believe that such a Big Change will happen to humanity one day? Welll....Yes...I do.
I think that the Earth has gone through many shocking events in its history, things that people thought could never happen had already happened many times. And yes, some prophecies in our times maybe false and fooling, but I believe that some people are real prophets, not false ones. God must send his messengers in every age, and even in this age, I believe God's messengers are still walking among us. And they seem to be giving warnings about the coming of the Big Change.
I am just an ordinary human being, not a prophet or anyone with any power at all, and I know that dreams can be very nonesense or even misleading, if you trust them too much. But let me tell you about this one dream that I had a long, long time ago. I had this dream even before I heard about any prophecies or anything about the End of the World or stuff like that.

There are chaos out there. I know that they are out there. I am safe inside a building but I know I cannot go out until it's over. There are many people inside that big building but there are also deceptions. You have to close your eyes and ignore the things that are sent to you or passed to you, just stay blind to it or you will be decieved. After a while, I heard they say, "Maybe it's over now, let's go out and see". So we walk out and the there is no more chaos. It's all quiet and empty now. All the houses are deserted. Some were killed and many died from the disease. Nothing is left to the start the kind of life we have lived before. We talk about growing plants and collecting food in natural way, we talk about going back to the kind of  basic lifestyle human has forsaken a long time ago. But still, some people want to go back and live in those deserted houses, and I knew that doom will come to them too because they try to go back to the old way, they resist the change. 

Afterward, I receive some more, even more vivid dreams. But I won't talk about them. I know that dreams can deceive you and I don't want to say that they can mean anything until I am very, very sure. Even the dream that I wrote above can mean nothing. But I mention it here because it's strange...the way I had it so long ago before I heard anything that relate to the Big Change or End Times. So it couldn't happen because my mind creating fantasy out of the stories that I head.

Being prepared is better than being careless, right?
But one should not be too afraid, I've learned that lately.
Face everything with love and hope and peace in Christ seem to be the best option for now.

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