Tuesday, 7 August 2012

To Change and To Remain

I have just deleted the previous longer post that I wrote under this topic. Something inside me says that I should keep to what is very important to say.

I have just learned that there are things I should learn from others and improve myself. And there are things that I mustn't change or yield to other people's will. Something that God helped me to learn earlier during the Bangkok flood last year, just not long before my baptism, seem to be an important thing  that guide the bigger view of the path that I should walk.

There are a lot of confusion and stress after I'm trying to learn this new path. I've been talking to many people and got a vast variety of opinions. So I tried to think back of an important thing that I learned many years ago when I first believed in God, "If getting confused, stop asking people and ask God instead."

I am walking a new path. And I believe that the people that I am learning from are great people with wisdom, blessings, and spiritual gifts. I am sure that most of what they are saying are very true and will help me with my walk. I am sure that most of the time they are teaching me out of their love and good will. I am sure that I have heard Divine Spirit of God spoken through many of them at different times.

However, there are also something that I cannot conform to. Something that the still small voice in my heart rejected. Some of the teachings I heard stressed me out and pulled me down to despair, the trap of the Devil itself.

I know that a lot of  things in me need much, much improvement. And I will improve and I will believe them. But I also know the nature of my soul, it needs to focus on the light, on the positive, on the Unending Love of the God, on the Great Hope, instead of focusing on the fear of Hell, the ugliness of sin, or the fear of Evil. I will not grow if my heart keeps looking at all these things.

I came home that night, asking God again. He confirmed me, that they are His people and they come to help me, but also let me know I musn't listen to anything that is contradicted to the simple truth in Jesus Christ. The truth that God has shown me all along so many years, the very thing that made me fall in love with Him. And the new path of freedom that He showed me during the Bangkok flood.

So I will change. There are three things I can learn from them because they are good models to me in many ways.

But I will also remain myself, for God still confirmed to me that each individual on Earth has his or her own place and destiny. They mustn't conform to anything that make them lose that individuality, the zeal to become who they really are.

So I will change, and I will remain. And that decision brings so much peace to me.
I will

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